Networking is often a key goal for corporate events. Name one that isn’t! You see, building connections can open doors and lead to valuable opportunities that greatly help your business. Here are some simple strategies for creating memorable networking opportunities at your corporate event.

Layout Matters

The way the event space is set up can influence networking. Is crumpled? Disorganized in some areas? Creating the perfect networking layout is an attention to detail task, and some times, you don’t have the time. We can help you arrange seating and meeting areas to encourage interaction. Villa Ragusa understands that an open and inviting space can make it easier for attendees to connect.

Icebreakers and Games

Breaking the ice can be tough, especially for some people. Consider incorporating icebreaker activities or games into your event. These can help attendees feel more comfortable approaching new people. Another idea is to create dedicated networking zones within the event space. These can be designed to promote mingling and conversation.

Speed Networking

Since time is of the essence, organize timed networking sessions where attendees rotate and meet new people quickly. This keeps the conversation flowing and maximizes connections made.

Consider Name Tags

Provide name tags with large, legible fonts. This makes it easier for attendees to remember each other’s names, which can be a significant conversation starter.

Comfortable Seating

We can help make seating comfortable and conducive to conversation. Uncomfortable chairs can discourage people from staying and networking.

Food and Beverage Stations

Food is the way to the heart. Place food and beverage stations strategically throughout the event space. These can serve as natural gathering points for networking.

Facilitators and Resources

Consider having experienced facilitators or hosts who can introduce attendees to one another and keep conversations flowing. Provide resources for attendees to follow up after the event, such as a directory of participants or a platform for continuing conversations.

Talk to our event organizers about creating memorable networking opportunities for your business. We understand that each firm is different, and so are the needs. Talk to us!