You want your wedding banquet to go smoothly with the catered food cooked to perfection, a seat for every guest and someone to clean up afterward. By avoiding some of the most common mistakes that are made in planning a reception, you will have the perfect banquet.
Wedding Banquet
Keep these tips in mind when planning your wedding banquet to ensure everything goes well on your special day.
Confirming the Venue
Before you firm things up with the venue, you have to have a guest list. Until you put pen to paper you really don’t know how long or short the guest list is going to be.
Plus One
Have your wedding invitations for single people include a plus one option. Couples will be assumed to arrive together.
The flowers for your wedding banquet should be available locally and seasonal. It is too easy to overspend when it isn’t necessary.
A good venue will have several drink options from which to choose. You should have an open bar at your banquet. However, your open bar can be limited in its choices to save on that expense.
Outside Caterer
Discuss the menu options in detail with the venue. Don’t go with their options if it isn’t what you really want. Use a venue that will allow an outside caterer to come in. Make sure that caterer tours the facility and can make plans well in advance.
Make sure your decorations will be approved by the venue. This should be done at least three months before the wedding. You don’t want to have to rethink your entire theme at the last minute.
If you plan to have music and dancing, pick a venue that is set up for this. They will have a dance floor for you to use.
A Successful Reception
Planning ahead and fully coordinating your plans with your venue will save so many headaches. Have a wonderful wedding banquet and may all your dreams come true.
This is a great list of tips for a wedding banquet and how not to have it go awry! Thank you for sharing, wedding catering and having a proper banquet is so important for a great experience for all wedding guests.