What to Say in Your Wedding Thank You Notes
Handwritten thank you notes are a must! And they must be an actual physical card, letter, what-have-you, but mail it. Yes, with a postage stamp. But what to write?
If you’re like most people you will open the card, put the pen to the card and choke. Everything you think to say sounds silly. So, here are some ideas on what and how to say it.
What to Write in the Thank You Card
Of course, you need to send a unique card to every person who attended your wedding. All the thank you notes need to say something about their gift, or that they attended your wedding, or what unique role they played in your celebration.
Their Attendance
First thank them for attending and how pleased you were they could attend. “It wouldn’t haven been the same without you.” “When I saw you I was so happy you were there.”
The Gift
If you’re not a professional writer you’ll have some trouble coming up with something besides “nice blender” or “pretty kitchenware.” So, here’s a writer’s trick.
First thank them for their gift. Then let them know how their gift (or presence) made you feel.
For instance:
The gift certificate you left for us was absolutely perfect. I was shocked! How did you know I love to shop at [store name here]!!
Thank you for your gift. I was so happy when I saw this food processor had all the functions I always wanted. Thank you for your generosity. It is going to get a lot of use!
Then thank them for sharing your celebration with you. “It meant so much that you were there with us.”
When to Send The Thank You Notes
You have 30 days after the wedding reception to get those thank you notes into the mail. If you didn’t order thank you notes with your invitations, plain stock thank you notes you find online are perfectly fine. You and your partner should sign each note.
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